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Student Paper Writing


We offer tests that form part of a schools’ admissions process to ensure there are no surprises! 

Our pre-tests are computer-based and test how an individual can think in areas that are known to make a difference to learning and achievement.
ISEB Common Pre-test | CAT4 | UKISET | NWEA MAP

Our pre-test is included with every plan. If you prefer to do ONLY the test, it is just HK$2,800 or £280 (includes review of school reports and written report + debrief)

Distance Learning

Our assessment does not measure how much a student has learned, but focuses instead on a student’s ability to display cognitive abilities associated with academic success.

Our practice test is designed to familiarise students with the online format, style and content of this multiple-choice test so they feel confident and prepared for the actual assessment. 

This test is for students aged 7 to 17 and particularly helpful for those who plan to take Cognitive Abilities Tests such as the GL Assessment CAT4 or the 11+ .

What is involved in the test?
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Verbal Reasoning: involves words. These appear in the form of verbal classifications & analogies.

Non-verbal Reasoning: involves shapes and patterns. These appear in the form of figures & matrices.

Mathematical: involves numbers. These appear in the form of number analogies & series.

Spatial Reasoning: mentally generating and transforming visual images.  These appear in the form of figures.

Can you study for a CAT test ?

A Boy and His Tablet Device

CATs are designed to be taken with little preparation, as they aim to assess a child’s current abilities and potential.


However, we believe a little practice is a good thing. Familiarity with the type and style of questions can make all the difference.  Our approach is Test, Practise, Retest. We subscribe to a third party platform for these tests and practice modules.

Test - Practise - Retest

What will I learn about my child? 
You will learn the true potential of your child and understand where hidden factors may be affecting performance. Your report provides a more complete picture than curriculum tests can provide by themselves and are benchmarked against the UK national performance and include KS2, GCSE and A-level indicators.
Individual Score

You will receive individual scores for your child's verbal, non-verbal, spatial and quantitative reasoning, enabling you to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and how much support they may need to catch up.


The results will enable you (and our consultants) to make informed decisions on next steps.

Standard Age Score

This is the most important piece of information and is based on the student’s raw score adjusted for age and placed on a scale that makes a comparison with a nationally representative sample of students of the same age across the UK. The average score is 100. The SAS is key to benchmarking and tracking progress and is the fairest way to compare the performance of different students within a year group or across year groups.

The National
Percentile Rank (NPR)

This relates to the SAS and indicates the percentage of students obtaining any particular score. NPR of 50 is average.


NPR of 5 means that the student’s score is within the lowest 5% of the national sample; NPR of 95 means that the student’s score is within the highest 5% of the national sample.

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